
I will manage my Face to Face Appointments as follows:

Following the current guidelines of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), ROZ REHAB PHYSIOTHERAPY is OPEN for Virtual and Face to Face, physiotherapy sessions from the week beginning of the 1st June 2020.

Initial Consultation : will be done via virtual video call, to assess and diagnose and to determine if a Face to Face appointment is required.

Second step:  will be completion of a consent form to be signed prior to treatment. (can be sent via email)

Third step : On arrival, there will be a Covid – 19 screening, temperature check, and a risk assessment to be conducted prior to Face to Face treatment.

Fourth step : will be to explain the risks to the patient and the physiotherapist prior to conducting face-to-face treatments.

My Therapists Promise:

  • I will wear a material washable face mask, for each patient appointment.
  • I will wear a disposable apron.
  • I will wear disposable gloves and regular hand washing and sterilising.
  • I will only use disposable paper towel on the couch and as usual, clinically wipe down couch after each patient.
  • I will clinically clean all surfaces, door handles, couches, chairs, floors, taps.
  • I will ensure the physio clinic is clinically cleaned and aired out in between patients, decreasing infection and cross contamination.
  • I will be carrying out temperature checks on all patients, using a contactless thermometer, if there is any sing of a raised to high temperature you will be asked to return and then self -isolate.
  • I will be sending a consent and subjective assessment form to you via email prior to you coming in so we can decrease the paper work and risk of infection.
  • A COVID–19, self -declaration form will be asked to be filled out prior any appointments this will be in an email form.

Patients Responsibilities will Be:

  • Please inform me of any changes of COVID – 19 symptoms, from the initial virtual call to the Face – Face appointment.
  • Please fill out and print off or resend back to me via email your consent and self- declaration form prior to your Face – Face appointment.
  • If you have any changes and new signs of COVID – 19 or have been in contact with anyone with COVID – 19 symptoms then please rebook your appointment and self-isolate for 14 days this is following the government guidelines.
  • Please use hand sanitiser that is on the wall at the side gate and is contactless machine and another hand sanitiser inside the clinic.
  • Please wear a face mask, if you do not have one I can give you a disposable one.
  • Please arrive on time not early to your appointment this is to limit cross contamination and infection.

Please,  find CSP COVID-19 guideline here:

Book a free consultation today.